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Windows 7 Cool Ultimate x86 & x64

Windows 7 Cool Ultimate x86 & x64 (3.7GB) Ships copy of modifying an excellent brother, Mr. Budi Star
Version based on Windows 7 Ultimate cores of 32 and 64-bit
Genuine – Accept update – pre-activated – updates afford another group with optional software
Is a consolidation of a large group of the most beautiful backgrounds – in addition to a wonderful group of the latest themes to suit all tastes

File to change the Welcome screen
Change Icons.exe file to change the form of icons
Full glass.exe file for the work of full transparency in all windows of the device

CATATAN:  Sebelum sampeyan mendownload apapun filenya, kalo file itu ukurannya besar biasanya dibagi menjadi beberapa Part/bagian, nah sebaiknya sampeyan Cek dolo Link-nya satu-persatu, barangkali ada salah satu Link yang diremove/dihapus, karena pengalaman saya pernah download file sebesar 4Giga, setelah sampe Part07, ternyata Linknya dihapus, untuk itu jangan sampe sampeyan mengalami kejadian seperti saya, dan saya hanya bisa pasrah dan bilang NUASIBBBBB………

Download Windows 7 Cool Ultimate x86 & x64 (3.7GB) – Fileserve
Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4| Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7| Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10

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